Artistic practices evolves through
friendships, experiences, 
stories, sometimes hardships... 

This homepage is an attempt to
 share an overview of my own process. 

For a complete list of
artworks _ click here_

Thought on Fluid Assemblages 2023-24
Performance in the Framework of Forecast Festival
Artistic Mentorship _ presented at Radial System Berlin

Comasagua _ El Salvador 2022 
Artistic Residency _ Liquid Cartographies
Time together with Agroecological Cooperative
La Canasta Campesina 

Kidney Explorations
Process of performance development
Working through/with/from Scores 

*(object not of my authorship)
Artistic Resideny in Kyoto-Osaka, Japan as part of mentorship process with Yuya Tsukara from Contact Gonzo. 

*(food not of my authorship)

Performance at Avalanche Festival _ Nov 2023
Collecting One Drop of Sweat _ read more
Osaka, Japan

Some images from our explorations with sound, ceramics and the paths of rivers. Part of our collaborative work with Vivian Hernriquez Hernandez.  

Jaguar and Nene del Solar. 

Exploring together the colonial traces at the port of Bremen, with Carla and Icaro.

First body explorations in connection to the research on Kidney and the contamination of water sources in El Salvador.

Together with

Konstanze and Icaro 

Victor Artiga Rodriguez