Articulating Landscapes of Otherness

Performance Sound Installation (Sound installation, acorns, transducers, paper) 20 minutes 2022
Performed and exhibited at: Künstlerhäuser Worpswede As part of the artistic residency Scholarship Site of the Future

During September 2022 I took part in the artistic residency in Worpswede. Acorns started to fall from the tree next to the studio window, this happened a bit earlier than usually expected. Small shifts in the timing of natural events come together in a time of energy uncertainty. Anxiety over energetic and climatic uncertainty, words of hope, and whispers of fears.

The two works take the shape of a sonic installation and performance, bringing sounds from the numerous layers that have formed the moor near Worpswede, the Teufel Moor. Together with found material specific to the season. The performance was a collaboration with Icaro Lopez de Mesa. Through sounds and performance, we speak about the current anxiety we face about energy production. The event took the form of an evening of sonic catharsis to talk and let go of our fears in the face of an uncertain climate.

Victor Artiga Rodriguez